Laser Services

Facial Skin Rejuvenation

Facial Skin Rejuvenation - Waterbury, CTProbably no advance in medicine has had more of an impact than the development of laser surgery. Lasers are now the preferred method of skin enhancement and cosmetic surgery, and in some cases have replaced conventional surgery for improving appearance.

Lasers work by emitting a powerful beam of light which causes a superficial vaporization and removal of the skin. As layers of dead cells are replaced by new living cells, the skin tightens and grows back smoother and wrinkle-free. Among the advantages of laser surgery is that there is usually no need for general anesthesia or hospitalization, there is no cutting or blood involved, and there is usually no scarring.

Lasers are effective for treating sun-damaged skin, acne scarring, age spots and skin discolorations, and any facial scars and wrinkles due to aging. Crow’s feet and lip lines are also dramatically improved. Other conditions that respond well to laser surgery include spider and/or varicose veins, and the procedure is also useful for hair removal and tattoo removal.

If you feel this procedure could enhance your look, please contact us online or call us at 203-757-2772 to schedule your personalized consultation. Let Dr. Sureddi help you look your best starting now!